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Daniel Glattauer

 |  Rozhovory

Jen poslané a přijaté zprávy? Může něco takového fungovat? ptali se kritikové. Může – a jak! E-mailový román Daniela Glattauera se stal miláčkem čtenářů a tisku, prodalo se okolo 200 000 výtisků. Autorovi se podařilo vytvořit moderní verzi kultivovaného a koketního románu v dopisech, jak ho znalo a milovalo 18. století.

Emmi Rothnerová chtěla přes internet zrušit předplatné časopisu Like. Kvůli překlepu ale její e-mail dostane Leo Leike.
Lukáš Hejlík chtěl přes internet pozvat autora knihy na LiStOVáNí... e-mailová komunikace mezi Lukášem a Danielem Glattauerem.


Předmět: Invitation
Dear Annette,
sorry for my not strictly BBC english. I would like to ask you if it would be possible to invite Daniel Glattauer on February 2012 to Czech republic for a tour with us with next book. We´ll do a big promo for this and hope it will be very good sold.
Looking forward to your answer.
Lukas Hejlik


Re: Invitation
Dear Lukas Hejlik,
thank you very much for the invitation. I'm sorry to tell you, that it is not possible for me to come. My new novel appears, and there are so many dates. I wish you and your team a big success!
Nice greetings,
Daniel Glattauer


O 3 hodiny později
Fw: Invitation
Pacham manazerskou sebevrazdu! Tohle byl muj sen a cil pristi sezony..Leo


O 5 minut později
Odp: Invitation
that´s very sad for us. It should have been highlight of next year season. We have guested many authors from whole world and getting offers of famous one but personally i love your book. There should have been put out second part of novel at valentine day in february and we wanted to do tour in Czech with you - 3 or 4 days. Last time with Robert Fuglhum we sold 800 books after performances. Anyway, i understand you will have full calendar. But if i knew you had some days free in february or march i will set whole tour on you. I´ve already written it would be my dream to do this performace with you.
Many greetings from Prague.


Další večer
Re: Invitation
Ach ne! Náš oblíbenec ...Na to se nedá nic říct.
Třeba tím získáš prostor pro někoho, kdo bude ještě vzácnějším hostem Listování. Ale otec severáku by nebyl špatnej - asi chápu tvé momentální úmysly. Dobrou noc. A.


Další den
Re: Invitation
Dear Lukas,
your nice kind to write and warm-hearted way to invite me, makes me still more sad! I'm so sorry, but there is no chance till summer. (And after summer ist will be not better.) I hope, the project will be also good and succesfull without me. Thank you once again!
Many greetings from windy Vienna,


O měsíc a půl později
Subject: It´s coming
Dear Daniel,we´re rehearsing "Gut Gegen Nordwird" and first night is cooming soon. It should have been a christ of new book "Alle Sieben Wellen". Firstly, do you think i can send you 5-6 guestions about the theme. Secondly, what would be great, do you think i can visit you in Vienna with books for sign which we would sell after the performances (we play it 9 times in 9 cities). It would be paradoxically at middle of February.
Greetings from Brno,


Subject: Meeting
Your book has just came on czech market "Each seventh wave". Our performance is ready and i´m sure it will be one of best in our 70 titles we have done. Anyway i´d like to ask you again if i could come to Vienna to see you and sign me some books as you can handle and fit in your free time. Paradoxically, best would be for me the Valentine´s day on 14th of Feb. Would you have one hour in Vienna?
Anyway if you could find time to answer me the guestions i had send you also, would be great too.
Thank you very much,


O tři dny později
Odp: Meeting
Dear lukas,
I'm sorry - i will not be in vienna the next time. You can send or bring the books to "deuticke-verlag", prinz-eugen-straße 30, 1040 vienna. I will sign it to the next possibility. Sorry, there is no chance to answer the questions till the middle of march.
Best regards,


O 12 hodin později
Re: Meeting
ok, i understand you´re busy. Let it be, i´m sure, we´ll kick it without you. Anyway, i´m sure you actually will be there with us.


O 5 minut později
Fw: Meeting
Aby byla korespondence kompletní...Hm, tak snad dám aspoň naší mailovou komunikaci do programu nebo já nevím! Co ty? Přijdeš na Severák? L.